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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Client Object Model

SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model: Introduction

Client Object Model is a new feature of SharePoint 2010. It provides features to program against a SharePoint site using .NET Managed Code or JavaScript.
The Client Object Model provides almost all the programming features of the Server Object Model plus advantages in deployment. The Client OM (Client Object Model) is being used as the core programming aid for SharePoint 2010 and thus widely used in the market.

How it works?

The Client OM works by sending an XML Request. The server will return a JSON response which is converted to the appropriate Object Model.

Supported Languages

Following are the programming language/platforms supported for Client Object Model:
  • .NET Languages (C#, VB.NET etc.)
  • Silverlight
  • Scripting Languages (JavaScript, Jscript)

Classes inside Client Object Model

In C#, comparing with classes of the Server Object Model, we can see that Client Object Model has similar classes with a suffix in the namespace and no SP prefix in the class name.
For example: SPSite in the Server Object Model is represented in the Client OM as Site with namespaceMicrosoft.SharePoint.Client.
Client Object ModelServer Object Model

For working with client object model you need to get two master dlls:
·         Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll
·         Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll
These dlls you can find under following path from machine on which you have installed SharePoint 2010.
Path to get DLL's: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\ISAPI
The SharePoint Foundation 2010 managed client object model consists of two assemblies that contain five namespaces. If you look at the classes available in those namespaces, you see many classes. Primarily classes that have direct counterparts to some familiar classes in the SharePoint Foundation server object model.


Following is an example of retrieving a list from the server using Client OM:
ClientContext context = new ClientContext("http://hp");
List list = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Tasks");

I should remark something about the above code:
  • Even though there are multiple calls, they are not sent to the server until ExecuteQuery() is called.
  • Network round trips between the client and server are reduced by combining multiple calls into one.
  • Object Identity is used to setup the queries. Object Identities are those which refer to the Server Object Model. Object Identities are valid only for the current client context.

More Examples with Client Object Model

Here I would like to list some examples using the Client Object Model. For starting with the examples, please do the following:
  1. Create a Windows Application
  2. Change the Target Framework to .NET 4.0
  3. Add reference to Microsoft.SharePoint.Client, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime
Before continuing with the examples, please ensure the site has valid data items in the Tasks list. We will be changing the data items during our session.

1. Get List Items

Here we are querying the list items of the Tasks list.
ClientContext context = new ClientContext(ServerText.Text);
List list = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Tasks");
CamlQuery query = new CamlQuery();
query.ViewXml = "<View/>";
ListItemCollection items = list.GetItems(query);


After executing the code, the result can be stored into a DataTable as shown below.
DataTable table = new DataTable();

foreach (ListItem item in items)
    table.Rows.Add(item.Id, item["Title"]);

datagrid.DataSource = table;
On my machine, the data retrieved is shown below:

2. Update List Items

Here I would like to show the modification code. All the titles are appended with two asterisks whose IDs are even number.
ClientContext context = new ClientContext(ServerText.Text);
List list = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Tasks");
CamlQuery query = new CamlQuery();
query.ViewXml = "<View/>";
ListItemCollection items = list.GetItems(query);



foreach(ListItem item in items)
    if ((item.Id % 2) == 0)
        item["Title"] += "**";

After executing the query, please refresh the data grid using the Get Data button. You can see the following result.
You can see that the Titles are modified for those with even number IDs.

3. Get By Row Limit

Here we can experiment with the RowLimit tag inside CAML queries. You can note that while accessing the list we are actually using a CAMLQuery class instance. Inside the query it is possible to set the RowLimit tag as well.
The RowLimit tag restricts the number of items retrieved from the server. Thus we can save a lot of bandwidth by reducing the rows while doing search.
ClientContext context = new ClientContext(ServerText.Text);
Web web = context.Web;

List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle("Tasks");

CamlQuery query = new CamlQuery();
query.ViewXml = "<View><RowLimit>3</RowLimit></View>";

ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(query);

You can see that the RowLimit is set to 3. On executing the query and displaying the results to a data grid, you can see three items as shown below.

4. Get By Search Criteria

Now we can try selecting the list items using the search criteria. Here we are trying to get the items of Status as ‘In Progress’.
ClientContext context = new ClientContext(ServerText.Text);
List list = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Tasks");

CamlQuery query = new CamlQuery();
query.ViewXml = @"<View>
            <FieldRef Name='Status'/>
            <Value Type='Text'>In Progress</Value>

ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(query);
context.Load(listItems, items => items.Include(
                                                item => item["Id"],
                                                item => item["Title"],
                                                item => item["Status"]
On executing the code above, you will get the results filtered by the Status field.

5. Insert an Item

Here we can try inserting a new item into the Tasks list.
ClientContext context = new ClientContext(ServerText.Text);
Web web = context.Web;

List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle("Tasks");

ListItemCreationInformation newItem = new ListItemCreationInformation();
ListItem listItem = list.AddItem(newItem);
listItem["Title"] = "New Item Created through C#";

You can see that we are using a new class named ListItemCreationInformation along with the ListItem class. This information will be recorded and passed to the server once the ExecuteQuery() method is called.
On executing the above code and retrieving the results, you can see the output as below:

6. Update an Item

The Update operation is next in the series of the CRUD pattern. Already we have seen updating the Title. Here you can see how to update the Status.
ClientContext context = new ClientContext(ServerText.Text);
List list = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Tasks");
CamlQuery query = new CamlQuery();
query.ViewXml = "<View/>";

ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(query);



ListItem item = listItems[listItems.Count - 1];
item["Status"] = "In Progress";

On executing the code, you can see that the last item was updated.

7. Delete an Item

Now we can try deleting an item from the List. Here is the code to achieve that.
ClientContext context = new ClientContext(ServerText.Text);
List list = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Tasks");

ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(new CamlQuery() { ViewXml = "<View/>" });

listItems[listItems.Count - 1].DeleteObject();
We need to call the DeleteObject() method of the item followed by the ExecuteQuery().

8. Reducing the Result Size by Specifying Properties

So what if you wanted only one property value for an item with 10 properties? There will be unwanted transferring of 9 columns. Here we can see how to specify only the needed columns for an item.
ClientContext context = new ClientContext(ServerText.Text);
Web web = context.Web;

context.Load(web, w => w.Title);

MessageBox.Show("The title is: " + web.Title);
MessageBox.Show("Now trying to access a field not in Result Set (expect exception)");

    MessageBox.Show(web.Description); // You will get Error here
catch (Exception ex)
Here we can see that only the Title property has been specified for retrieval. Accessing the Description column throws an exception.

9. Reducing the Result Size in List

In the case of the list the problem is worse as there are n number of columns for the list. The result will be multiplied n times. So if we need only 1 column and retrieve 10 columns for a list of 1000 items, we end up getting 9 x 1000 unwanted column values.
So to specify the list columns in the Result Set the syntax will be slightly different.
ClientContext context = new ClientContext(ServerText.Text);
List list = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Tasks");

CamlQuery query = new CamlQuery();
query.ViewXml = "<View/>";
ListItemCollection listItems = list.GetItems(query);

context.Load(listItems, items => items.Include(item => item["Id"]));

Please note the way Id is specified. While filling the results, you should take care that only the ID column value is accessed.
DataTable table = new DataTable();

foreach (ListItem item in listItems)

datagrid.DataSource = table;

10. Specifying Credentials

You can specify user credentials while accessing the SharePoint server. The property Credentials is for this purpose.
ClientContext context = new ClientContext(ServerText.Text);
context.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("User", "Password");

Web web = context.Web;

Please specify the correct user name and password of your site otherwise an Unauthorized Exception will be thrown.
So this concludes the article with Client Object Model examples for the most common scenarios. In the real world you will need much more complicated steps and I believe these will provide a base to achieve them.

When to use Server Object Model?

We can use it on the SharePoint server where the Server Object Model binaries are available. Typical example would be inside Web Parts / Workflows.

When to use Client Object Model?

We can use it from client machines where the entire SharePoint binaries are not available. A typical example would be from a Windows Forms application in a client machine.


Monday, July 1, 2013

SharePoint Interview Questions:

SharePoint Interview Questions:
* OOTB Features

OOTB Features means something that come with the product when you buy it. But We can customize existing OOTB Features.

OOTB Featues:
1. Advanced Web Analytics Reports.
2. Web Analytics Featue Stapler
3. Debugger Feature (Adds a new menu item in the Site Actions menu that attaches the debugger.
4. Log Viewer (This is a Feature for viewing the Unified Logging Services(ULS) logs from with in central admin)
5. Cliams-Based Authentication model
6. Sandboxed Solution
7. New User Interface including Ribbon
8. Built-In SilverLight Support
9. Business Connectivity Services (BCS)
10. New Hardware and Software requirements
11. Client Object Model
12. LINQ (Language Integrated Query) for SharePoint

SharePoint 2010 Out Of the Box  Web Parts

Lists and Libraries -  These are similar to the same Web Parts offered in MOSS 2007.
- Announcements
- Calendar
- Contacts
- Links
- Shared Documents
Sites Assets - Use this library to store files which are included on page within the site such as images on Wiki pages 
- Tasks
- Team Discussions
Business Data
- BusinessData Actions
- Business Data Connectivity Filter
- Business Data Item
- Business Data Item Builder
- Business Data List
- Business Data Related List
- Indicator Details
-Status List
Content Rollup
- Content Query
- HTML Form Web Part
- Picture LIbrary Slideshow Web Part
- RSS Viewer
Web Analytics Web Part - Displays the most viewed content, most popular search queries, or most popular clicked search results as reported by Web Analytics fo rthe site or site collection- XML Viewer
- Document Set Contents - Displays the contents of the Document Set
- Document Set Properties - Displays the properties of the Document Set
- Enter a Document ID - Finds a document by its Document ID
- Relevent Documents - Displays documents that are relevent to the current user
- Choice Filter
- Current User Filter
- Date Filter
- Filter Actions
- Page Field Filter
- Query String (URL) Filter
- SharePoint List Filter
- SQL Server Analysis Services Filter
- Text Filter
Media and Content
- Content Editor
- Image Viewer

Media Web Part - Use to embed media clisp (video and audio) in web page
Page Viewer

Silverlight Web Part - A Web Part to display a Silverlight application
My Information
- My Calendar
- My Contacts
- My Inbox
- My Mail Folder
- My Tasks
- Categories
- Site Aggregator
- Sites in Category
- Summary Links
- Table of Contents
Tag Cloud - Displays the most popular subjects being tagged inside your organization
Office Client Applications
- Excel Web Access
InfoPath Form Web Part - Use this Web Part to display an InfoPath browser-enabled form
- Visio Web Access - Enables viewing and refreshing of published Visio Diagrams
WSRP Viewer
- Contact Detail
Note Board - Enables users to leave short, publicly-viewable notes about a page
Organization Browser - Displays each person in the reporting chain in the interactive view optimized for browsing organization charts - Site Users
- User Taskis
Performance Point
- PerformancePoint Filter
- PerformancePoint Report
- PerformancePoint Scorecard
- PerformancePoint Stack Selector
- Advanced Search Box
Dual Chinese Search - Used to search Dual Chinese documentand items at the same time
- Federated REsults
People Refinment Panel - This web part helps the users to refine people search results- People Search Box
- People Search Core Results
Refinement Panel - used to refine results- Related Queries
- Search Action LInks
- Search Best Bets
- Searhc Box
- Search Core Results
- Search Paging
- Search Statistics
- Search Summary
Search Visual Best Bet - displays visual best bets 
- Search Federated Results
Chart Web Part - Helps you visualize yoru data on SharePoint Sites and portals

Out Of the box SharePoint 2010 Workflow:

- Three State
- Collect Feedback
- Approval
- Collect Signatures
- Disposition Approval


*What is a SharePoint Feature?

v  A Feature is a container of various defined extensions for SharePoint Server 2010, and is composed of a set of XML files that are deployed to front-end Web servers and application servers. You can deploy a Feature as part of a solution package, and you can individually activate a Feature in SharePoint Server sites.
Features are packages of functionality that you can activate and deactivate in SharePoint farm. They have four possible scopes:
ü  Farm: A farm level feature, as the name suggests, is something that affects the whole farm, for example provisioning a custom timer job or deploying a Business Connectivity Services model.
ü  Web Application: A web application feature can be activated so that it only affects a single web application, and a typical example is a feature that modifies the web.config file.
ü  Site: A site scoped feature can be activated so that it only affects a site collection, an example being the deployment of a master page to the master pages catalogue.

ü    Web: Finally, a web scoped feature can be activated for a single site, for instance setting the default master page for that site.
Features make it easier to activate or deactivate functionality in the course of a deployment, and administrators can easily transform the template or definition of a site by turning on or turning off a particular Feature in the user interface 

A Feature have two files, Feature.xml and Manifest.xml(Element.xml). 
Feature.XML defines the actual feature and will make SharePoint aware of the installed feature. 
Manifest.XML file contains details about the feature such as functionality.
When to use Features
Features are the recommended method for deploying pieces of functionality, customizations, or configuration changes to front-end Web servers. Features are a flexible way to manage functionality through its lifecycle, including activation, upgrade, and eventually deactivation.
You can use Features to deploy developed site elements in one or more of the following scenarios:

Need for activation and deactivation   When you deploy site element customizations in a Feature, you can install, activate, and deactivate the Feature by using Windows PowerShell or by using the object model. You can also activate and deactivate a Feature by using the Central Administration Web site.

Flexibility of scope   You can activate a Feature for a single scope, including farm, Web application, site collection, or Web site.
Ease of distributed deployment   A Feature is easy to deploy to multiple server farms as part of a solution.

Control through the Feature object model   The Feature object model enables you to specify the list of installed features within a given scope and to control hether features are enabled at the farm and site levels.
Use solution packages to package Features to deploy to different environments. For example, use a solution package to deploy customizations between developer workstations and an integration farm, and also between either an integration farm or authoring client workstations, and pilot or production farms.

Create a Feature

When you create a custom Web page in SharePoint Server 2010 by using the browser or SharePoint Designer, the ASPX page can belong only to the root site collection of the server that is running SharePoint Server 2010. To create a page under a site collection that is available to the whole farm and in all site collections, use a solution to deploy the page under the \14\Template\Layouts folder (by using the TemplateFiles element in the solution manifest file).

A best practice on a farm is to deploy Features by using a solutions package. If a server must be rebuilt or another server is added to the farm, the Feature will not have to be manually added to each front-end Web server. By using solutions packages, you can deploy new and upgraded Features across the farm and synchronize a front-end Web server so that its state is consistent with the state of other servers in the farm.

To control the availability of a custom page in a site collection or a Web site, deploy the custom Web page as a SharePoint Feature as part of a solution. Use the module element in the Feature.xml file to deploy a Web page by using a scope of site collection and Web site. Modules are frequently used to implement a Web Part Page in the site.

To create and deploy a custom Feature

                          1.   Create a Feature.xml file. The following is an example Feature.xml file, which is necessary            for giving the feature a unique ID and pointing to the Module.xml file.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Feature Id="8C4DD0CB-5A94-44da-9B7F-E9ED49C2B2DC" Title=
"Custom Web page"
Description="This simple example feature adds an ASPX page 
with a hosted XmlFormView control" 
Version="" Scope="Web"
            <ElementManifest Location="Module.xml"/>
Create a Module.xml file. The following is an example Module.xml file, which contains information about the page or pages that are part of the solution.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
    <module name="file" url="" path="">
        <file url="XmlFormViewPage.aspx" type="ghostable"> </file>
2.   Change the file url value to the name of your ASPX page.
3.   Add a subfolder for the Feature definition within the Features setup directory on the server computer, typically located at %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft shared\Web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\FEATURES.
4.   Add your custom .aspx page to this subfolder for the Feature definition.
5.   Add Feature.xml and Module.xml files to the same location.
6.   Add the Feature to a solution package.
7.   You can use Visual Studio 2010 to add the Feature to a solution, or you can manually add a FeatureManifestselement to the solution Manifest.xml file.
8.   Create the solution package.
You can use Visual Studio 2010 to build the solution package. You can also use the Makecab.exe tool to create the solution package.
9.   Import and deploy the solution package.
Add the solution to the solution store by using the Windows PowerShell Add-SPSolution cmdlet, and then deploy the solution from the solution store by using the Central Administration Web site or by using Windows PowerShell.

To Install a Feature by using Windows PowerShell:
                       1.   On the Start menu, click All Programs.
         2.   Click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.
         3.   Click SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.
         4.   At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command:
         5.   Install-SPFeature -path <Path> [-force]
         Example: Install-SPFeature FeatureFolderName -url http://server/site/subsite
         Disable-SPFeature FeatureFolderName -Url http://server/site/subsite

* Features Location: C:/ProgramFiles/CommonFiles/MicrosoftShared/WebServerExtention/14/Template/Features
* Every Feature will have atleast one file named  Feature.XML Called as Feature Manifest.
A feature is a set of feature.XML and other elements manifest files. It may also contains CSS, ASPX Files, Images etc..
* What is the base class of feature? SPFeatureReceiver

* Site Template:
A SharePoint Site Template provides the basic component and layout of a new site created under SharePoint. A Site Template contains specific design information about a site, Including the list that is part of the site, web part pages used in the site, the site's themes and borders, changes to a quick launch bar, as well as some site content(Such as Document Libraries)
Site Templates are stored in the Site Collection.
Example: Team Site, Blog Site, Document Workspace, Record Center, Publishing Site, Blank Site.

More Info:

* List Template

* Workflows

* Site Defination

* List Defination
* Event Receiver
* BCS and BDC
* List Instance
* Application Page
* Powershall Commands
* Client Object Model
* SSP,Alert & Ribbon
* Services in SP 2010 and 2013
* Authentication in SP 2010
* Module
* Difference Between SP 2007 and SP 2010
* Sandbox Solution
* If I deploy Sandbox solution where it will deploy and form solution where it will deploy?
* Locations Where files are stored sharepoint 2010 like listdefinations and sitetemplates etc..
* Architecture Of SharePoint 2010
* SharePoint Designer and InfoPath 2010 and Content Type
* SharePoint Search
* Visual WebParts
* CAML Query
* Retention Policy
* Managed MetaData Service Application
* Feature Stapling
* Application Pages, Site Pages, Content Pages
Applications Pages:
Site Pages:
Content Pages:
* Content Iterator ( List threshold limit is 5000 forex: i have 6000 in that time every time we are getting 1000 and get it like batch.
* Features Location: C:/ProgramFiles/CommonFiles/MicrosoftShared/WebServerExtention/14/Template/Features
* Every Feature will have atleast one file named  Feature.XML Called as Feature Manifest.
  A feature is a set of feature.XML and other elements manifest files. It may also contains CSS, ASPX Files, Images etc..
* What is the base class of feature? SPFeatureReceiver
* Site Defination [Feature Stapling]
Site defination are located under C:/ProgramFiles/CommonFiles/MicrosoftShared/WebServerExtentions/14/Templates/SiteTemplates
It Contains .aspx pages for various webpages and lists that markup the site defination are stored

* How to replace "Title" field of a list , we need to replace "Title" with "Catgory" field as the first fields.
Step 1: Add a Listdefination, list instaance also created. Schema.XML has 'ContentTypes', 'Fields', 'Views', 'Forms'.

ListTemplate will be saved with '.stp' Extention.

Difference between List Defination and List Template

List Defination                                              List Template
1.  Created using VS                              1. Created using sharepoint UI file extention .stp
2. .wsp                                               2. Carrys Contenttypes, workflows fields. System
3. Carry's Only fields or content types           fields .. etc modifications done cannot be applie
    defined in defination                              d at later on stages.

Content Type: Content Type is a bunch of Site Columns grouping into together is called ContentType. It is associated with List and Libraries.
It is reusable, Sharable Metadata
The base type of a content type could be an existing content type like Item,Document,Folder,Event,Task,Message,Comment,Post
* Base type of content type is 'System' with Id Ox
* Content Type can be deployed as feature
* Content Type groups contains List Content Type, Document Content Type, Folder Content Types.
* Scope of content type can be specified in feature.

Content Types can be created using
    SharePoint UI
    SharePoint Designer
    Visual Studion 2010

SandBox Solution: