This blog includes how to
create lookup fields, checkbox field, person or group field and hyperlink
field. With this coverage the most common and frequent tasks related to
SharePoint 2010 list with PowerShell will be now easier.
Adding lookup field
$TestSiteUrl = "http://XXXXXXXX:XXXX/sites/XXXX"
$NewWebobj = Get-SPWeb -identity
$newListName = "ProductList"
$newListDescription = "Product
$listTemplate =
$lstId =
write-host "list " $newListName "
created successfully" $newListName -ForegroundColor Green
$listUrl = $NewWebobj.ServerRelativeUrl +
"/lists/" + $newListName;
$myCustomList =
$NewWebobj.GetList($listUrl)#get the lookup list ID
$lookupListName = "MyLookupList"
$LookulistUrl =
$NewWebobj.ServerRelativeUrl + "/lists/" + $lookupListName;
$lookupListObj =
$lookupListId = $lookupListObj.ID#adding
column of type 'lookup'
$fieldXml = "<Field Type='Lookup'
DisplayName='LookupCol1' List='{" + $lookupListId + "}'
$fieldXml2 = "<Field Type='Lookup'
DisplayName='LookupCol2' List='{" + $lookupListId + "}'
RelationshipDeleteBehavior='Restrict' Name='LookupCol2'/>"
$fieldXml3 = "<Field Type='Lookup'
DisplayName='LookupCol3' List='{" + $lookupListId + "}'
RelationshipDeleteBehavior='Cascade' Name='LookupCol3'/>"
write-host "Error" $_.exception
$errorlabel = $true
if($NewWebobj -ne $null)
if($errorlabel -eq $true){exit 1}
else {exit 0}
exit 0
Above code creates a custom list with three types of lookup
Need to Considering only the snippet from the above code
Need to Considering only the snippet from the above code
$fieldXml = "<Field Type='Lookup'
DisplayName='LookupCol1' List='{" + $lookupListId + "}'
$lookupListId is the
ID of the list to which the lookup column belongs to
RelationshipDeleteBehavior=’None’ states that if the column in the actual list is deleted; then all
other lists which are referring that column will be orphaned. So,the data will
be there in other lists that referred this column, but no more relation.
In other lookup fieldxmls, we have used RelationshipDeleteBehavior
with ‘Restrict‘
and ‘Cascade‘
RelationshipDeleteBehavior=’Restrict’ states that if we try to delete the column in the actual list; then SharePoint will restrict to delete unless all the data with lookup references are removed first.
RelationshipDeleteBehavior=’Restrict’ states that if we try to delete the column in the actual list; then SharePoint will restrict to delete unless all the data with lookup references are removed first.
RelationshipDeleteBehavior=’Cascade’ states that if we try to delete the column in the actual list;
then SharePoint will delete all the referenced data where ever this column is
used as lookup column.
It will give us warning if we want to continue the delete the operation or not
It will give us warning if we want to continue the delete the operation or not
We have another way of creating lookup column. Infact I prefer
creating columns with xml string, because it gives overview of complete
properties what the list has.
#set all other properties like we do in c#
Adding field of type ‘Checkbox’
Creating field of type ‘Checkbox’
$fldXml = "<Field Type='Boolean'
DisplayName='chkBoxCol1' Name='chkBoxCol1'>
The above code will create checkbox field in the
list with default values as checked.
1 this makes checkbox checked by default
0 this makes checkbox unchecked by default
1 this makes checkbox checked by default
0 this makes checkbox unchecked by default
Adding field of type ‘People or Group column’
$fldXml = "<Field Type='User' DisplayName='PersonCol1'
List='UserInfo' ShowField='ImnName'
UserSelectionMode='PeopleOnly' UserSelectionScope='0'
The above code will create people and group
column ‘PersonCol1′ which allows only user(people) values but not user group
Setting UserSelectionMode=’PeopleAndGroups’ will allow user group values.
There are other possible values which can be set for ShowField attribute -
Title, NameWithPicture, NameWithPictureAndDetails, ImnName (this is NameWithPresence)
Setting UserSelectionMode=’PeopleAndGroups’ will allow user group values.
There are other possible values which can be set for ShowField attribute -
Title, NameWithPicture, NameWithPictureAndDetails, ImnName (this is NameWithPresence)
Adding field of type ‘Hyperlink’
$fldXml = "<Field Type='URL' DisplayName='HyperlinkCol1'
Format='Hyperlink' Name='HyperlinkCol1'/>"
The above code will create Hyperlink column ‘HperlinkCol1′.
The property Format can have other value ‘Image‘
The property Format can have other value ‘Image‘
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