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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Configure Data Retrieval Service in SharePoint 2013

Configure Data Retrieval Service in SharePoint 2013

In SharePoint, Data retrieval service implements data-binding feature. This allows communicate data consumers and data sources. We can install/run data retrieval service in SharePoint running machines. SharePoint includes the default set of data retrieval services to work with SharePoint lists, OLEDB and XML data sources. Data bound webparts, Spread sheets can use data provider services to get the data from data sources. We can configure data retrieval settings in SharePoint Central Administration.
We can configure data retrieval settings in SharePoint 2013 by using following steps,
Navigate to Application Management in SharePoint central Administration and click on Configure the data retrieval service.
We'll navigate to Data Retrieval Service configuration page. In Configuration page, We have to choose the web application. To configure the settings for farm level, select "Global Settings" in web application drop down or we want to configure web application level, we can choose the web application. By default it is "Global Settings".
To enable the data retrieval service we have to check "Enable these data retrieval services" check box. 
We can specify the maximum number of kb's allowed in response from OLEDB data source in Response size limit box in Limit Response Size section. By default it is 10000.
By checking "Enable update query support" check box in Update Support section, queries will support for updating. We need to enter the number of seconds that the data retrieval service will wait to get a response from a data source in Data Source Time-out section Request Time out box. By default this value is 30 sec.

By checking "Enable these data source controls" check box in "Enable Data Source Controls" section we can enable the queries to the data source types. Click on Ok button to Save the configuration settings.

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